Saturday, July 13, 2024

llama-cpp-agent Installation to Use AI Models Locally in Simple Way

 This video is a step-by-step easy tutorial to install llama-cpp-agent which is a tool designed to simplify interactions with LLMs. It provides an interface for chatting with LLMs, executing function calls, generating structured output.


conda create -n llamagent python=3.11 -y && conda activate llamagent

pip install --no-cache-dir llama-cpp-python==0.2.77 --extra-index-url

pip install llama-cpp-agent

conda install jupyter -y
pip uninstall charset_normalizer -y
pip install charset_normalizer
jupyter notebook

# Import the Llama class of llama-cpp-python and the LlamaCppPythonProvider of llama-cpp-agent
from llama_cpp import Llama
from llama_cpp_agent.providers import LlamaCppPythonProvider

# Create an instance of the Llama class and load the model
llama_model = Llama(r"/home/Ubuntu/mymodels/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q6_K.gguf", n_batch=1024, n_threads=10, n_gpu_layers=40)

# Create the provider by passing the Llama class instance to the LlamaCppPythonProvider class
provider = LlamaCppPythonProvider(llama_model)

from llama_cpp_agent import LlamaCppAgent
from llama_cpp_agent import MessagesFormatterType

agent = LlamaCppAgent(provider, system_prompt="You are a helpful assistant.", predefined_messages_formatter_type=MessagesFormatterType.MISTRAL)

agent_output = agent.get_chat_response("Hello, World!")

print(f"Agent: {agent_output.strip()}")

import math
from llama_cpp_agent import FunctionCallingAgent
from llama_cpp_agent.llm_output_settings import LlmStructuredOutputSettings
from typing import Union

# Callback for receiving messages for the user.
def send_message_to_user_callback(message: str):
def calculate_a_to_the_power_b(a: Union[int, float], b: Union[int, float]):
    Calculates a to the power of b

        a: number
        b: exponent

    return f"Result: {math.pow(a, b)}"

output_settings = LlmStructuredOutputSettings.from_functions([calculate_a_to_the_power_b], allow_parallel_function_calling=True)

llama_cpp_agent = LlamaCppAgent(
    system_prompt=f"You are an advanced AI, tasked to assist the user by calling functions in JSON format.",

user_input = "Calculate a to the power of b: a = 2, b = 3"

        user_input, structured_output_settings=output_settings

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