Tablespace fragmentation is quite a controversial topic in Oracle database administration as some people get really worried about it whereas some people believe that fragmentation doesn't exist in Oracle the way its architecture is.
As per Tom Kyte, "My definition of fragmentation is that you have many "small" holes (regions of contigous free space) that are too small to be the NEXT extent of any object. These holes of free space resulted from dropping some objects (or truncating them) and the resulting free extents cannot be used by any other object in that tablespace. This is a direct result of using a pctincrease that is not zero and having many wierd sized extents (every extent is a unique size and shape).."
You can use following query to see any fragmentation in the Oracle tablespace is there is any:
set lines 150
set pages 150
col tablespace_name head "Tablespace|Name" for a25
col total_mbytes head "Total Size|Mb"
col free_mbytes head "Free Space|Mb"
col free_pct head "Percent|Free" for 990.9
col num_ext head "Total|Extents" for 9999999
col min_ext head "Minimum|Size|Kb" for 9999999
col ext_64k head "Number|Extents|< 64k" for 9999999
col ext_128k head "Number|Extents|< 128k" for 9999999
col ext_256k head "Number|Extents|< 256k" for 9999999
col ext_512k head "Number|Extents|< 512k" for 9999999
col ext_1m head "Number|Extents|< 1m" for 9999999
col ext_2m head "Number|Extents|< 2m" for 9999999
col ext_4m head "Number|Extents|< 4m" for 9999999
col ext_8m head "Number|Extents|< 8m" for 9999999
col ext_16m head "Number|Extents|< 16m" for 9999999
col ext_32m head "Number|Extents|< 32m" for 9999999
col ext_64m head "Number|Extents|< 64m" for 9999999
col ext_256m head "Number|Extents|< 256m" for 9999999
col ext_1g head "Number|Extents|< 1g" for 9999999
col ext_8g head "Number|Extents|< 8g" for 9999999
col ext_large head "Number|Extents|> 8g" for 9999999
col max_ext head "Maximum|Size|Mb" for 9999999
select fs.file_id
, count(fs.bytes) num_ext
, min(fs.bytes/1024) min_ext
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 0 and 64 then 1 else 0 end) ext_64k
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 64 and 256 then 1 else 0 end) ext_256k
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 256 and 1024 then 1 else 0 end) ext_1m
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 1024 and 4096 then 1 else 0 end) ext_4m
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 4096 and 16384 then 1 else 0 end) ext_16m
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 16384 and 65536 then 1 else 0 end) ext_64m
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 65536 and 262144 then 1 else 0 end) ext_256m
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 262144 and 1048576 then 1 else 0 end) ext_1g
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 between 1048576 and 8388608 then 1 else 0 end) ext_8g
, sum(case when fs.bytes/1024 > 8388608 then 1 else 0 end) ext_large
, round(max(fs.bytes/1024/1024)) max_ext
from dba_free_space fs
where fs.tablespace_name = upper('&TSName')
group by fs.file_id
order by fs.file_id
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