Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cloning of RDS Instance to Another Account

Frequently, we need to refresh our development RDS based Oracle database from the production which is in another account in AWS. So we take a snapshot from production, share it with another account and then restore it in target from the snapshot.

I will post full process in a later post, but for now just sharing an issue we encountered today. While trying to share a snapshot with another account, I got the following error:

Sharing snapshots encrypted with the default service key for RDS is currently not supported.

Now, this snapshot was using default RDS keys and that is not supported. So in order to share it, we need to have customer managed keys and then copy this snapshot with these news keys and only then we can share it. You don't have to do anything at the target, as these customer managed keys become part of that snapshot. You can create customer managed keys in KMS console and may be assign to IAM user you are using.

I hope it helps.

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