Friday, August 28, 2015

Creating User Schema Table and Projections in Vertica

Vertica is a an exciting database with some real nifty features. Projections is a ground breaking unique feature of Vertica which dramatically increases performance benefits in terms of querying and space benefits in terms of compression.

Following test commands are impromptu sesssion in which a user is being created, then a schema is created, and that user is authorized on that schema. Then a table is created with a default superprojection and then a projection is created and then we see its usage.

Create new vertica database user, create schema and authorize that user to that schema. Create 4 column table and insert data.

select user_name from v_catalog.users;

vtest=> create user mytest identified by 'user123';

vtest=> \du
      List of users
 User name | Is Superuser
 dbadmin   | t
 mytest    | f
(2 rows)

vtest=> \dn
         List of schemas
     Name     |  Owner  | Comment
 v_internal   | dbadmin |
 v_catalog    | dbadmin |
 v_monitor    | dbadmin |
 public       | dbadmin |
 TxtIndex     | dbadmin |
 store        | dbadmin |
 online_sales | dbadmin |
(7 rows)

vtest=> \q
[dbadmin@vtest1 root]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U mytest -w user123 -h -p 5433 -d vtest
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.

Type:  \h or \? for help with vsql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

vtest=> create table testtab (col1 integer,col2 integer, col3 varchar2(78), col4 varchar2(90));
ROLLBACK 4367:  Permission denied for schema public

[dbadmin@vtest1 root]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U dbadmin -w vtest -h -p 5433 -d vtest
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.

Type:  \h or \? for help with vsql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

vtest=> \du
      List of users
 User name | Is Superuser
 dbadmin   | t
 mytest    | f
(2 rows)

vtest=> create schema mytest authorization mytest;
vtest=> select current_user();
(1 row)


vtest=> \q
[dbadmin@vtest1 root]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U mytest -w user123 -h -p 5433 -d vtest
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.

Type:  \h or \? for help with vsql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

vtest=> create table testtab (col1 integer,col2 integer, col3 varchar2(78), col4 varchar2(90));
vtest=> select current_user();
(1 row)


vtest=> \dt
               List of tables
 Schema |  Name   | Kind  | Owner  | Comment
 mytest | testtab | table | mytest |
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (1,2,'test1','test2');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (2,2,'test2','test3');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (3,2,'test2','test3');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (4,2,'test4','tesrt3');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (4,2,'test4','tesrt3');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (4,2,'test4','tesrt3');
(1 row)

vtest=> insert into testtab values (4,2,'test4','tesrt3');
(1 row)

vtest=> commit;

Create a projection on 2 columns.

Superprojection exists already:

vtest=> select anchor_table_name,projection_name,is_super_projection from projections;
 anchor_table_name | projection_name | is_super_projection
 testtab           | testtab_super   | t
(1 row)


vtest=> \d testtab
                                    List of Fields by Tables
 Schema |  Table  | Column |    Type     | Size | Default | Not Null | Primary Key | Foreign Key
 mytest | testtab | col1   | int         |    8 |         | f        | f           |
 mytest | testtab | col2   | int         |    8 |         | f        | f           |
 mytest | testtab | col3   | varchar(78) |   78 |         | f        | f           |
 mytest | testtab | col4   | varchar(90) |   90 |         | f        | f           |
(4 rows)

vtest=> create projection ptest (col1,col2) as select col1,col2 from testtab;
WARNING 4468:  Projection is not available for query processing. Execute the select start_refresh() function to copy data into this projection.
          The projection must have a sufficient number of buddy projections and all nodes must be up before starting a refresh

vtest=> select anchor_table_name,projection_name,is_super_projection from projections;
 anchor_table_name | projection_name | is_super_projection
 testtab           | testtab_super   | t
 testtab           | ptest           | f
(2 rows)

vtest=> select * from ptest;
ERROR 3586:  Insufficient projections to answer query
DETAIL:  No projections eligible to answer query
HINT:  Projection ptest not used in the plan because the projection is not up to date.

vtest=> select start_refresh();
 Starting refresh background process.

(1 row)

vtest=> select * from ptest;
 col1 | col2
    1 |    2
    2 |    2
    3 |    2
    4 |    2
    4 |    2
    4 |    2
    4 |    2
(7 rows)


 projection_basename | USED/UNUSED |           last_used
 testtab             | UNUSED      | 1970-01-01 00:00:00-05
 ptest               | USED        | 2015-08-28 07:14:49.877814-04
(2 rows)

vtest=> select * from testtab;
 col1 | col2 | col3  |  col4
    1 |    2 | test1 | test2
    3 |    2 | test2 | test3
    2 |    2 | test2 | test3
    4 |    2 | test4 | tesrt3
    4 |    2 | test4 | tesrt3
    4 |    2 | test4 | tesrt3
    4 |    2 | test4 | tesrt3
(7 rows)

projection_basename | USED/UNUSED |           last_used
 ptest               | USED        | 2015-08-28 07:14:49.877814-04
 testtab             | USED        | 2015-08-28 07:16:10.155434-04
(2 rows)

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