Thursday, October 3, 2013

Simple Way to Get SQL ID of Large and Similar Queries in Oracle

I frequently get clients' request to tune number of queries related to some application or reports. One of the first things to start the tuning process is to get the SQL_ID of the queries. On a busy system, it can be quite a hassle to find out SQL_ID of a specific query.

The most simple way to get SQL_ID of query is to add comment in the query text and then get the SQL_ID from v$SQL view on the basis of that comment. Here is a working example:

select /* MYCOMMENT */ name,age,salary
from user.mytable
where age > 78 order by name;

COL SQL_TEXT format a45

select /* MYCOMMENT1 */ sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,200) sql_text
from v$sql
where upper(sql_text) like '%MYCOMMENT%'
and sql_text not like '%/* MYCOMMENT1 */%' ;

Enjoy query fishing :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you may want to check
