Monday, January 23, 2012

Exadata [WARNING] This update is not applicable for Not Available BP12

During the application of BP12 on Exadata half rack V2, during the phase of application of db minimal patch, one compute node refused to get patched.

As the ./ script was run, it failed with :

[WARNING] This update is not applicable for Not Available.

Of course it wasn't of much help, so we fished around and then found that because dmidecode command was not returning the system product name at that node, whereas the same command was working at the other nodes, where the patching was successful.

[root@exanode db_minimal_patch]# dmidecode -s system-product-name
Not Available

This was resolved with not that much fanfare. We merely had to reset iLOM from an SSH terminal.Though it took several hours to get there. So instrumentation is the key for debugging.

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