Exadata machine comprises of compute nodes and the cell nodes. Compute nodes host the RDBMS and ASM instances along with Oracle homes, whereas the cell nodes contain data. This data is stored under several layers of abstraction starting from physical disks to LUN to cell disks, to grid disks to asm disks to asm disk groups.
From cell node, from cellcli utility you can manage physical disks, LUNs, cell disks and the grid disks.
From compute node, you can manage the asm disks and the asm disk groups.
Following is the mapping of the storage layers in the Exadata.
First comes physical disk, then LUN, then cell disk, then griddisk, and then asm disks and then asm diskgroups. There is one to one mapping between physical disk, LUN, and cell disk. so that means that for each physical disk there is one LUN, and for that LUN there is one celldisk. Then comes griddisk. Many griddisks can comprise of many cell disks. Griddisk and asm disks are synonymous with each other in exadata contest, so they are same thing. Then comes asm diskgroup, and an asm diskgroup comprises of multiple griddisks. We have three disk groups SYSTEMDG, DATA, and RECO.
List the griddisk:
CellCLI> list griddisk DATA_TT09_test1test0 detail
name: DATA_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:15:39+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 1
id: 00000129-000c-6341-0000-000000000000
offset: 32M
size: 430G
status: active
List the celldisk of the griddisk:
CellCLI> list celldisk TT09_test1test0 detail
name: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:12:14+00:00
deviceName: /dev/test
devicePartition: /dev/test
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 2
freeSpace: 0
id: 00000129-0009-4275-0000-000000000000
interleaving: none
lun: 0_9
raidLevel: 0
size: 557.859375G
status: normal
List the LUN of the celldisk:
CellCLI> list lun 0_9 detail
name: 0_9
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
deviceName: /dev/test
diskType: HardDisk
id: 0_9
isSystemLun: FALSE
lunAutoCreate: FALSE
lunSize: 557.861328125G
lunUID: 0_9
physicalDrives: 20:9
raidLevel: 0
lunWriteCacheMode: "WriteBack, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU"
status: normal
List the Physical disk of the LUN:
CellCLI> list physicaldisk 20:9 detail
name: 20:9
deviceId: 17
diskType: HardDisk
enclosureDeviceId: 20
errMediaCount: 23
errOtherCount: 0
foreignState: false
luns: 0_9
makeModel: "TEST ST360057SSUN600G"
physicalFirmware: 0805
physicalInsertTime: 0000-03-24T22:10:19+00:00
physicalInterface: sas
physicalSerial: E08XLW
physicalSize: 558.9109999993816G
slotNumber: 9
status: normal
There can be M:M relationship between celldisks and the griddisk, but in following, there is 1:M relationship between celldisk and griddisks.
List griddisks in one celldisk:
CellCLI> list griddisk where cellDisk like 'TT09_test1test0'
DATA_TT09_test1test0 active
RECO_TT09_test1test0 active
SYSTEMDG_TT09_test1test0 active
List griddisks in one celldisk (in detail with wild card):
CellCLI> list griddisk where cellDisk like 'TT09.*' detail
name: DATA_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:15:39+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 1
id: 00000129-000c-6341-0000-000000000000
offset: 32M
size: 430G
status: active
name: RECO_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:15:55+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 1
id: 00000129-000c-a1d6-0000-000000000000
offset: 430.046875G
size: 98.6875G
status: active
name: SYSTEMDG_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:13:02+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 0
id: 00000129-0009-fd52-0000-000000000000
offset: 528.734375G
size: 29.125G
status: active
Listing that a griddisk only belongs to one celldisk in this case:
CellCLI> list griddisk DATA_TT09_test1test0 detail
name: DATA_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:15:39+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 1
id: 00000129-000c-6341-0000-000000000000
offset: 32M
size: 430G
status: active
CellCLI> list griddisk RECO_TT09_test1test0 detail
name: RECO_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:15:55+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 1
id: 00000129-000c-a1d6-0000-000000000000
offset: 430.046875G
size: 98.6875G
status: active
CellCLI> list griddisk SYSTEMDG_TT09_test1test0 detail
name: SYSTEMDG_TT09_test1test0
cellDisk: TT09_test1test0
creationTime: 0000-07-14T02:13:02+00:00
diskType: HardDisk
errorCount: 0
id: 00000129-0009-fd52-0000-000000000000
offset: 528.734375G
size: 29.125G
status: active
1 comment:
i dont think a grid disk can have multiple cell disks. Can you reconfirm the same.
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