Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pakistan's First Oracle ACE, Thank You Oracle

It was surreal and plainly out of this world, when I got to know that I was awarded the Oracle ACE award by Oracle. Oracle also told me that I was the first ever Oracle ACE from Pakistan.

The Oracle ACE program formally recognizes advocates of Oracle technology with strong credentials as evangelists and educators. Oracle ACE recipients are chosen based on their significant contributions and activity in the Oracle technical community.

I was nominated by the dear friend Surachart Opun and Nathan Edmundson. Thank You Friends. 

Thank you Oracle. :)


Zee said...

Congratulations bro. You Won i would be the next :D

Asif Momen said...

Congrats !!!

Surachart Opun said...


Fahd Mirza said...

Thanks Baig and Asif Momen.

Surachart, This was all due to you and Nathan Edumndson. I am having a separate post for that :)

Porus Homi Havewala (પોરસ હોમી હવેવાલા) said...

Congrats Fahd, well done. Welcome to the ACE community.