Monday, July 8, 2024

Run LoRA Adapter of Any Model with Ollama

This video is a step-by-step tutorial to create integrate LoRA adapters of models in Ollama.


conda create -n lora python=3.11 -y && conda activate lora

pip install huggingface_hub
huggingface-cli login            

huggingface-cli download pacozaa/tinyllama-alpaca-lora && cd llama-cpp
pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 /home/Ubuntu/.cache/huggingface/hub/models--pacozaa--tinyllama-alpaca-lora/snapshots/10fcfd76a34f5b2b18a8d2dfc4372f9d4e0f01cd

ollama pull tinyllama

touch Modelfile

FROM tinyllama:latest
ADAPTER /home/Ubuntu/.cache/huggingface/hub/models--pacozaa--tinyllama-alpaca-lora/snapshots/10fcfd76a34f5b2b18a8d2dfc4372f9d4e0f01cd/ggml-adapter-model.bin

TEMPLATE """Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.

{{ if .System }}### Instruction:
{{ .System }}{{ end }}

{{ if .Prompt }}### Input:
{{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}

### Response:
SYSTEM """You are Alexander the Great, the world conqueror."""
PARAMETER stop "### Response:"
PARAMETER stop "### Instruction:"
PARAMETER stop "### Input:"
PARAMETER stop "Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request."
PARAMETER num_predict 200


ollama create alextinyllama -f ./Modelfile
ollama run alextinyllama

/set system You're Aristotle, the philosopher. Answer using philosophical terms.

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